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Ben Tovar - 12 bar major blues (Epiphone ES-335 PRO + EHX Soul food & EHX Crayon)
Epiphone ES 335 Pro jam
Greenish Bunyons Blues Rock Groove jam on the ES-335 through EHX OD Glove and Boss Katana 18 05 23
Blues Epiphone Es 335 PRO
My Electro Harmonix Crayon
Soul Food vs Crayon Guitar Pedal Demo
Testing Epiphone Dot ES335 w/ Soul Food + OCD
Epiphone ES 335 Pro Limited solo demo 'till Summer Comes Around Keith Urban
Gibson "ES-335 PRO" ano 1980!
12 bar blues in G7 on a Gibson ES 335
Epiphone ES 335 Pro - "So Close" chords Hall & Oates
Epiphone ES-335 Pro straight into 1972 Fender Vibrolux Reverb